新疆某铀矿床于2002年开始勘探,并于年底提交了361~ 373勘探线之间首采段的储量.为加速开采,尽早利用已探明资源,探索地浸开采的可行性,2004~ 2005年在首采段369勘探线附近开展了地浸采铀现场试验.试验采用两孔法,试验中抽液量是注液量的5倍.试验证明,两孔法浸出液铀浓度及其它离子变化趋势反映了矿层地下浸出特性,矿床采用地浸方法开采在技术上是可行的.虽然两孔法在我国首次应用,但两孔法计算公式完整,科学性强,试验时间短,费用低,值得推广应用.
A Xingjiang uranium deposit was first explored in 2002 and the report of its reserve in the 1st mining section between 361-373 exploration lines was submitted at the end of the same year. To speed up the mining, utilize as early as possible verified resource and explore the feasibility of mining by in-situ leaching, the field test on uranium mining by in-situ leaching was carried out in the 1 st mining section around No. 369 exploration line in 2004-2005. Two-well method was used with the solution extration amount being five times that of solution injection. The test verified that the uranium concentration and the change tendency of other ions in the leacheate by two-well method reflects the characteristics of in-situ leaching of ore strata and it is feasible to mine the deposit by in-situ leaching. Though it is the first time for the two-well method to be adopted in China, it is worth popularization due to its complete calculation formula, strong science, short test time and low cost.
Metal Mine