
不同表面处理对石英晶体传感器频移响应的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Different Surface Treatments on the Frequency Shifts Response of Quartz Crystal Sensors
摘要 液相环境下振荡的压电石英晶体传感器的谐振频移主要受液体性质和表面质量负载的影响。通过压电石英晶体传感器在液体粘度测量中,对不同表面粗糙度和亲和性的晶体谐振频移的实验。结果表明,晶体的不同表面性质对传感器的频移响应存在较大的影响。就液体粘度测量的灵敏度和准确性而言,经紫外照射处理的聚苯乙烯涂层石英晶体的传感器性能最佳。 The resonance frequency shifts of piezoelectric quartz crystal sensors under the liquid was influenced mainly by liquid properties and mass loading on the surface. The performances of sensors were tested in measurement of liquid viscosity by using quartz with different surface roughness and hydrophilicity. The results show that there is large influence on frequency shifts of different surface treatment to quartz and the quartz coating with polystyrene after ultraviolet-radiation can gain best performance as far as sensitivity and veracity.
出处 《压电与声光》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期514-517,共4页 Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
基金 重庆市科技攻关资助项目(No.20016613) 高等学校重点实验室访问学者基金资助项目(No.200243)
关键词 石英晶体 表面 传感器 quartz crystal surface sensors
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