Cabbage white butterfly Pieris rapae L. is an important pest insect of vegetables in the Cruciferae family, but is also found on garden nasturtium Tropaelum rnajus L which is in a different family. It was reported that larvaereared on nasturtium readily accepted cabbage as a host plant in each of the subsequent instars, and developed into normal adults, but when the second to fifth instar larvae were transferred from cabbage to nasturtium, they refused to feed and starved to death. On the other hand, larvae reared on a wheat germ diet accepted nasturtium as a host plant. Chemical analysis and behavioral tests demonstrated that there were strong feeding deterrents in nasturtium fohage, and chlorogenic acid was the most prominent active compound. Larvae apparently developed sensitivity to the deterrent as a result of feeding on the cabbage during its first instar, whereas continuous exposure to the deterrent causes habituation or suppression of sensitivity development.
Entomological Knowledge