From pegging solely to USD to a basket of currencies towards a market-based exchange system with a managed float, China's foreign exchange rate system has made another important step in its overhaul. Based on an analysis of international and domestic background, it is believed that the current move will help improve trade conditions, reduce trade frictions; check inflation, allocate resources reasonably and lower the impact of foreign exchange tie-up on monetary policy. Under the backdrop of a more flexible RMB exchange rate system, it is proposed that departments concerned should take the initiative to cope with the pressure from expectation for further appreciation and speculative international hot money, while the central bank may define 'a basket of currencies' to control the float. A more flexible RMB exchange rate will make it harder for the central bank to supervise over the foreign exchange market. Efforts should be made to develop future foreign exchange market on a large scale and financial derivatives should be used to avoid risks.
Finance Forum