2Philip V. Bohlman: The Study of Folk Music in the Modern World(Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1988,pp. 69-86). 被引量:1
3Thomas Turino : Moving Away from Silence :Music of the Peruvian Altiplano and the Experience of Urban Migration (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1993,pp. 8-9.). 被引量:1
4Jonn Blacking: Movement, Dance, Music. and the Venda Girls' Initiation. 被引量:1
5Paul Spencer :Society and the Dance:The Social Anthropology of Process and Performance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1980,pp. 64-91). 被引量:1
6Tim Rice: Towards a Remodeling of Ethnomusicology, in Ethnomusicology. 31,1987, pp. 469-488. 被引量:1
7Steven Fed: Sound and Sentiment: Birds, Veeping. Poetics. and Song in Kaluli Expression (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.1990). 被引量:1
10Daniel M. Neuman : Epilogue : Paradigms and Stories: Stephen Blum : Ethnomusicology and Modern Music History (Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1991 .pp. 268-277). 被引量:1