桃红颈天牛Aromia bungiiFald.在安徽黟县和歙县2 a发生1代,以幼虫在枝干被害处越冬。成虫最早出现在6月9日,6月12—20日为羽化高峰,6月17—21日为产卵盛期,6月24日幼虫开始孵化,6月27—30日为孵化盛期,6月上旬—10月中旬为危害期,10月下旬幼虫开始越冬。
Aromia bungii has one generation two years in Yixian County and Shexian County of Anhui Province and overwinters as larva in the infected branch. The larva attacks trunks and lateral branches. The adult appears on the 9th of June. The peak of oviposition was in the middle of June. The larva begins to hatch out on the 24th of June with a peak between the 27th and 30th of June. The infection period was between the first ten days of June and the mid of Octobero The larva begins to overwinter from the last ten days of October.
Forest Pest and Disease