
低血钾对原发性醛固酮增多症诊断的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Hypokalemia on Diagnosis of primary Aldosteronism
摘要 目的:探讨低血钾对原发性醛固酮增多症(原醛)患者醛固酮水平的影响。方法:回顾性分析29例原醛患者,这些患者均接受血、尿醛固酮测定及立卧位速尿激发试验,并进行手术治疗。观察原醛患者血钾与醛固酮分泌的关系。结果:原醛患者低血钾时出现醛固酮正常的比例(8/16,50%)较正常血钾组高(2/13,15.4%),P<0.05。结论:低血钾可以抑制原醛患者尤其是特发性醛固酮增多症患者的醛固酮水平。 Objective:To evaluate the effect of hypokalemia on diagnosis of primary aldosteronism( PA). Methods: There are 29 PA patients from 2002 to 2004 included in this retrospective study. They all were done serum and urine aldosterone assay , posture stimulation test and treated by surgery. All patients were divided two groups :A group with hypokalemia( 16 patients) and B group with nomal serum potassium( 13 patients) . The relationship between hypokalemia and aldosterone level was analyzed. Results-Eight patients in A group , had normal aldosterone level(50% ) ,while only two patients had normal aldosterone level in B group ( 15.4% ) , P 〈 0.05. Four patients who had hypokalemia and normal aldosterone, aldosterone level elevated after serum potassium level became normal. Among patients with hypokalemia and normal aldosterone level, seven patients were idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA) and one was aldosterone - pro- ducing adenoma (APA). Conclusions:Hypokalemia may inhibit the secretion of aldosterone in PA, especially in IHA.
出处 《上海生物医学工程》 2005年第3期173-175,共3页 Shanghai Journal of Biomedical Engineering
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