为揭示煤中可溶组分的存在方式和溶出行为,以CS2为溶剂对两种烟煤进行了约1 000 h的索氏萃取,按时间段分批(次)提取萃取物进行了FTIR定性和定量分析.结果表明,CS2可萃取组分的溶出具有明显的时序性、阶段性和某些爆发性的特点,波形曲线是萃取物溶出时一些重要基团吸收峰面积随时间变化的典型特征,曲线形状、生波位置、波峰时刻和波幅大小随煤种而不同.2 950~2 858,3 040,1 610,860,815,750 cm1的吸收峰面积和累积萃取时间分别以AR,AAr1,AAr2,AAr3,AAr4,AAr5和t表示,则AR/AAr2~t曲线的波峰所处时刻反映着萃取物中所含脂链的长短,波幅反映着所含脂链成分的数量;AR/AAr1~t,AAr3/AAr1~t,AAr4/AAr1~t和AAr5/AAr1~t曲线的相互结合还指示出单个氢原子、两个相邻氢原子和4个相邻氢原子被取代芳环的溶出行为.脂链和侧链与煤中其它部分形成非共价键时的多点联结是形成波形溶解曲线的重要原因.
To reveal the exiting state and solubilization behavior of soluble components in coal, two bituminous coals were extracted using Soxhlet extractor with CS2 for about 1000 hours respectively and the CS2 soluble components were analyzed using FTIR. The results show that the characteristics of solubilization behavior of CS2 extracts are sequential, periodic and explosive changes. The curve of waves shows the area of absorption peaks of many important groups against time while extracting from coal. The shape of the curves, peak value, moment of peaks presented and amplitude change with the type of coals. The peaks area at 2 950-2 858, 3 040, 1 610, 860, 815, 750 cm^-1 are expressed by AR, AAr1, AAr2, AAr3, AAr4, AAr5, and t stands for cumulative time. Time corresponding to wave crest of AR/AAr2-t indicates the length of aliphatic chains, and amplitude indicates the number of ingredient of aliphatic compounds. According to the curves of AR/AAr1-t, AAr3/AAr1-t, AAr4/AAr1-t and AAr5/AAr1-t, the solubilization of aromatic compounds which one hydrogen atom, two neighboring hydrogen atoms and four neighboring hydrogen atoms were substituted are also pointed out , respectively . The main reason of formation of solubilization curves is points coupling of non-covalent bonds presenting among aliphatic chains, side chains and the other parts of coal.
Journal of China University of Mining & Technology