研究的目的:比较RU486/Cytotec药物和负压吸宫术两种流产方法的效果,以及医学的和个人的可接受性.对象为通过咨询,介绍两种流产方法后,让对象自愿选择而组成.年龄在20~34岁.药物组100例,闭经35~42天,第1天口服RU486 600mg,第3天服Cytotec(PGE1)0.4mg,第17、43天回医院随访.手术组100例,闭经≤56天,负压吸宫术后第14、43天回医院随访.结果:完全流产率药物组为89%,手术组为100%.对象选择这两种流产方法的主要原因:药物组94%的人认为痛苦少,手术组的55%认为手术快、节省时间,而且手术同时可取出或放置宫内节育器(占45%).结论:RU486/Cytotec药物流产和负压吸宫术在各自适合的人群中都具有高度的可接受性.两种方法各具优缺点,不能相互取代,二者相辅相成,取长补短。
Objective: This study is to compare the personal acceptability and effect of Oral RU486/PG versus surgical vacuum aspiration on termination of early pregnancy.Method: Subjects were recruited by their voluntary choice of methods. One hundred women aged 20~34 with amenorrhea of 35~42 days chose the medical method (RU486 600mg on the first day and Cytotec 0. 4mg on the third day). One hudnred women aged 20~34 with amenorrhea ≤56 days chose vacuum aspiration. Subjects were asked to return on the 17th day in the medical group and the 14th day in the surgical group for follow-up.Results: Complete abortion rates in the medical and surgical groups were 89% and 100% respectively. The main reason given for choosing medical abortion'less painful' (94%) while at for choosing surgical abortion 'quick,saving time: (55%), being able to remove or insert IUD (45%) following surgical abortion'.Conclusion: Pregnancy termination with Ru 486/Cytotec (PGE1) and vacuum aspiration, are both highly acceptable. Either method has its own advantages and disadvantages,and can not replace each other. Selective use can provide advantages of both methods. The earlier the termination, the safer the event.
Reproduction and Contraception