Abstract In this study, Caf, EDTA post treatment to the effect of membrane lipid peroxidation in irradiated B. napus and soybean seedling stage were investigated. The results indicated that the content of Pro and MDA,the cell membrane permeability and the activity of peroxidase in hypocotyl increased with the increase of irradiation doses. The soybean seedling cell membrane permeability and content of MDA were higher than that of B. napus,but the POD activity in soybean was lower. The content of Pro in both soybean and B. napus had little difference.The content of MDA and Pro,and the cell membrane permeability were decreased,POD activity was enhanced by Caf. EDTA post treatments in compansion with H2O treatment.caf,EDTA post treatment decreased the damage of cell membrane in the hypocotyl in soy bean and B. napus. In general, caf+ EDTA complex post treatments didn't accumulate effects.