文中提出改进型的令牌桶流量控制算法,该算法易于在网络处理器上实现,并在采用AMCC NP7250网络处理器设计的核心网边缘路由器上对该算法进行了试验。结果表明,相比于网络处理器普遍采用的简单流量控制算法,该算法具有实时速率抖动较小、变化较为平滑和支持突发数据的优点。同时,该算法具有通用性,其实现不限于特定类型的网络处理器。
In this paper, a network traffic policing arithmetic is discussed, token bucket arithmetic which bases on network processor. We trialed the arithmetic on AMCC corp 's NP7250 network processor, and compared the result with the simple traffic policing arithmetic. The merit of our arithmetic is the slight jitter of read-time rate, the flatness of rate variety and the support of burst data. Furthermore, the token bucket arithmetic is of common use. It can be used in many kinds of network processors.
Electronic Measurement Technology