离子液体作为化学反应及分离工程等方面的绿色溶剂,其热物理性质对其工业应用及设计至关重要,综述了近年关于离子液体的热物理性质等的研究测定情况.影响离子液体熔点的主要因素是离子电荷的分布和非对称性;多数离子液体的密度比水大,在1~1.6 g/cm3之间;多数离子液体是黏稠液体,黏度比有机溶剂高2~3个数量级;测定离子液体的表面张力和热容的文献不多,几种咪唑离子液体的表面张力和热容值分别在20~60 mN/m和1.3~1.8 J/(g·K)之间.
Recent studies on binary and ternary phase equilibrium of ionic liquid are summarized mainly based on the measurement of imidazole ionic liquid, including solubility of gas in ionic liquid at low or high pressure, binary vapor-liquid equilibrium of organic compounds and ionic liquid, activity coefficient at infinite dilution (γ^∞) of organic compounds and water in ionic liquid, binary and ternary liquid-liquid equilibrium of ionic liquid and organic compounds, and binary liquid-liquid-solid equilibrium of ionic liquid, organic compounds and water. Relative literatures, measurement system, range of temperature and pressure, characteristics of phase equilibrium, as well as data prediction methods are listed. Some of the phase equilibrium data are in good agreement, and some diverge largely from each other. The phase equilibrium data of ionic liquid is still in short supply, and further accumulation is needed for commercial application.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology