years, of which 46 cases became repatent (92%), and 29 cases became normal pregnancy (58%),rectified pregnancy rate was 63. 04%, 1 ectopic pregnancy. This indicated that this modified operation produced a better result for the patients who had obstruction in proximal tube after tubal ligation. The key of the modified operation, and the relationship of the pregnancy rate to the period of sterilization, age and the length of the tubes after operation are analysed.For 60 cases with proximal occlusive fallopian tubes (interstitial and isthmic portion ) after tubal ligation, we performed tubocormual implantation with a modified method and the exicised proximal occlusive tubal segments were examined pathologically. The pathologic changes included; (1) chronic tubal inflammation 5 (2) tubal en-dometriosis; (3) obliterative fibrosis. 50 cases (83. 33%) were followed up over 1
Chinese Journal of Family Planning