AIM: To observe the influence of hormone replacement therapy on the clinical symptoms and perception of social support in 1-3 years postmenopausal women, and discuss whether there is association between their perception of social support and clinical symptoms. METHODS: Forty early postmenopausal women for more than 1 year and within 3 years, who were treated in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Second Clinical College of China Medical University between March 2002 and September 2004 for different menopausal syndrome, received hormone replacement therapy: conjugated estrogen (premarin, 0.3 rag, once a day), combined with medroxyprogestetone acetate (2 mg, once a day, taken orally), calcium carbonate-vitamin D3 (Caltrate D, 600 mg, once a day) was also taken orally, the course was 6 months. The existence and severity of menopausal syndrome were assessed with clinical symptoms inventory (4-grade scoring standard was adopted, 0 as no symptom, 1 point as mild symptom, 2 points as moderate symptom, 3 points as severe symptom). The degree of perceiving social support was evaluated with the perception of social support evaluation scale (consisted of 12 self-rating items, marked with the 7-grade scoring of 1 to 7 points, which stood for extremely dissenting, very dissenting, slightly dissenting, neutral, slightly consent, very consent, extremely consent, the scores of all the items were added as the total score of social support, which was 84 points). All the patients were evaluated before treatment and 6 months after treatment. The linear correlation between clinical symptoms and perception of social support was analyzed to observe whether there was association between social support and clinical symptoms. RESULTS: All the 40 patients fulfilled the treatment, the data of the scores of clinical symptoms and perception of social support before and after treatment were obtained and involved in the analysis of results. ① The clinical symptoms of menopausal syndrome were ameliorated in
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation