利用热模拟技术,研究了450 MPa级耐大气腐蚀钢不同焊接条件下焊接热影响区组织与性能变化,通过TEM观察不同冶金处理方式(RH精炼炉中加Ti,LF精炼炉中加Ti)第二相粒子的形貌和分布。试验结果表明,在合金成分基本相同的情况下,通过LF精炼炉加Ti的冶金处理,粗晶热影响区中的第二相粒子尺寸更细小,分布更弥散,阻碍奥氏体晶粒长大的效果更突出。
Microstructure and toughness change of HAZ in different welding condition of weather-resistant corrosion steel are studied by means of thermal simulation technology. Distribution and shape of precipitation particle by different metallurgical process are studied by TEM. It is concluded that precipitation particle is finer and the quantity is better by adding Ti in LF fining furnace when the alloy component is same, which makes the steel had better resist ability of austenite crystal growth.
Welding & Joining