The apparent heat sources, apparent moisture sinks and large-scale wind, temperature as well as surface pressure during the summer monsoon onset over the northern South China Sea (SCS) in 1998 were investigated. The results suggested that there was a kind of positive feedback mechanism between large-scale circulations and meso-scale convective systems (MCSs). At the early stage of the monsoon onset, the large-scale background provided favorable synoptic and dynamic conditions for the summer monsoon onset and formation of meso-scale convective activities; whereas after the summer monsoon onset, occurrence of persistent and large-scale mesoscale convective activities produced obvious feedback effect on large-scale circulations. Because of the release of latent heating driven by enhanced convective activities, the intense atmospheric heating appeared over the northern SCS, which resulted in: (1) the meridional temperature gradient over the SCS reversed from upper-level to low-level and then the large-scale circulations were changed seasonally; (2) correspondingly, the surface pressure over the northern SCS deepened continually and formed broad monsoon trough and obvious pressure-reducing areas, thus making the subtropical high moving out of the SCS eventually; (3) with the development of the low pressure circulations in the middle and low troposphere, the MCSs further enhanced and extended southward, which was favorable to the SCS monsoon onset and maintaining over the middle and southern SCS; (4) the deepening of monsoon trough promoted strengthening of the monsoon flow and moisture transport on the southern side of it, consequently the monsoon onset reaching prevalence.
Acta Meteorologica Sinica