Objective.. To evaluate the efficacy of direct vision internal urethrotomy coordinating with electronic incision as the treatment for urethral stricture. Methods: 34 cases with direct vision internal urethrotomy were analysed, simple incision 12 cases , coordinating with electronic incision 22 cases. Results ; Direct vision procedure urethrotomy was successful in 32 cases , of whom 31 cases underwent single procedure (91.2 %), 2 underwent a sencond procedure. The carrying tube time is 2- 4 weeks (21 days). The follow up time is 3-42 months. 91.2 percent of cases showed thick and fluent urine line , 3 cases needed periodical urethrotomy expansion , 2 recurrence urethral stricture cases accepted second procedure. All cases showed no incontinence and impotence. Conclusion : Direct vision internal urethrotomy coordinating with electronic incision is a safe and efficient therapy with miniinvasiveness and less complications for urethral stricture and urethratresia . It should be considered as a first choice of treatment for patients with urethral stricture and urethratresia.
Shaanxi Medical Journal