Study the key technique to design prepayment intelligence cold - water meter and its info management system, take measure with the two technical nedus of info carrier' s security and executive machine' s action credibility, by investigating into the info secrecy method of the touch memory card and by experimenting to the high pedormance porcelain electro motion control valve, a tiny mech - electr system is designed. I^2C bus and 1 - wire bus technique are used in controller hardware & software design, and by colligating various technique such as surface stick installation, parts of apparatus tied, lowest power waste and battery longevity power supply design, a tiny mech - electr system with fine effect is obtained. The study indicates that optimizing on the info carrier' s security mechanism and on the inspect & execute machine' s action credibility plays importance in improving the tiny mech - electr system' s performance at measure & control precision, power waste, data secrecy and action reliability.
Computer Measurement &Control