2Chris Ferguson. "Shaking the conceputal foundation"too:integrating research and technology support for the next generation of information service. College and Research libraries, 2000: 61 (4): 300-311. 被引量:1
4Real-Time Reference for Undergraduates in Science.Mathematics,and Engineering.(http://www.library.cmu.edu/Libraries/24x7.pdf). 被引量:1
5Ask A Lbrarian.(http://www.earl.org.uk/ask/) 被引量:1
6Collaborative Digital Reference Service.(http://lcweb.loc.gov/rr/digiref/) 被引量:1
7D. N. Kresh, Offering High Quality Reference Service on the Web. D-Lib Magazine6(6) ,June 2000. (http://www.dlib.org/dlib/june 00/kresh/06kresh. html) 被引量:1