AIM: To observe the effects of purely application of acupuncture and moxibustion at Renying and Shuitu (ST 10) points, adding traditional Chinese medicine No.1 and No.2 taking orally, stellate ganglion block was performed, and combination of the three methods on the therapeutic effect and relapse rate of cerebral trauma, commotion cerebri and obstinate blood vessel nerve headache. METHODS: Sixty-eight patients with cerebral trauma, commotion cerebri and chronical obstinate blood vessel nerve headache were selected from Dalian Central Hospital from September 1992 to December 2004. ①Treatment of acupuncture and moxibustion: Sixty-eight patients was treated with acupuncture at Renying and Shuitu, once every other day, 7 times as a course. Those who did not take a turn for the better after the first course were changed to treat with stellate ganglion block or traditional Chinese medicine. ②The stellate ganglion block: After taking acupuncture and moxibustion, 18 patients were treated with stellate ganglion block, 7 days as a course. Those who did not take a turn for the better after two or three courses were changed to treat with traditional Chinese medicine.③Treatment of traditional Chinese medicine: Fifty patients with cerebral trauma, commotion cerebri and post-obstinate headache were matched with No.1 traditional Chinese medicine taking orally (1 g antelope powder, 10 g scorpion, 25 g Chinese angelica, 20 g Szechwan lovge rhizome, 12 g peach seed, 20 g safflower, 25g red peony root, 10 g paeonol, 10 g chrysanthemum, 10 g shrub chastetree fruit and 5 g liquorice root). Those who had obstinate nerve headache were treated with the No.2 traditional Chinese medicine taking orally (10 g pearl powder, 3 g antelope powder, 0.5 g cinnabar, 15 g Siberian milkwort root, 10 g spine date seed, 20 g Rhizoma Acoori Graminei, 20 g lily bulb, 15 g amber, 20 g Chinese angelica, 20 g white peony root, 10 g safflower, 15 g Szechwan lovge rhizome, 10 g velvet, 10 g radix ginseng rnbra, 25 g membranous milkve
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation