目的探讨经阴道彩色多普勒超声(TV-CDFI)对恶性滋养细胞疾病的诊断价值。方法对48例滋养细胞疾病(良性葡萄胎20例、恶性葡萄胎28例)患者的TV-CDFI图像进行比较分析。结果恶性滋养细胞肿瘤患者子宫肌壁见网状分布的无回声区,肌壁血流异常丰富,RI<0.4。结论 TV-CDFI是诊断恶性滋养细胞肿瘤的首选方法。
Objective To study the value of transvaginal color Doppler flow imaging (TV-CDFI) in the diagnosis of malignant trophoblastic tumor (MTY). Methods Transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonographic images of 48 cases of trophoblastic diseases (including 20 cases of hydatidiform mole and 28 cases of malignant trophoblastic tumor) were analyzed. Results TV-CDFI showed reticularly distributed non-echo areas and extremely plentiful blood flow in the wall of urine myometrium with low RI 〈 0.4 in the cases of malignant trophoblastic tumor. Conclusions Transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonography is the preferred method for the diagnosis of malignant trophoblastic tumor.
Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound(Electronic Edition)