对大型选矿厂浮选机液位控制系统进行了分析、探讨,针对原设计液面控制方法存在的缺陷进行改进,改进后的控制系统在投运后取得的数据,求出两种控制方法的传递函数,阐明了两者的优缺点, 并提出今后需要努力的方向,对从事选矿自动化的同行具有参考价值。
The level control system of flotation cells in a large-scale concentrator is analyzed and discussed in this paper. After the original-designed level control method was improved and some control data was get afterwards, the transfer functions of the control systems before and after the that can be improvement are developed, advantages and disadvantages discussed, and further improvement that can be made put forward. It can be a good reference to all that are involved in flotation automation.
Nonferrous Metals(Mineral Processing Section)