Objective: To investigate the effect of emotion intensity on autonomic nervous response of five basic emotions. Methods: There are 92 females who attended in this study. And these subjects were asked to fill in some scales and basic emotion self-report. This study used six film clips to induce their emotions. The subjects' were heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), blood pressure were recorded. Results: Compare the subjects who reported high emotional experience with those of the subjects who reported low emotional experience, the standard variation of R-R intervals, systolic blood pressure has significant differences. Under sadness, R-R interal mean and stress has significant positive correlation, and HRV high power and stress has significant negative correlation. Under abhorrence, HRV high power and mood has significant negative correlation. Under anger, R-R interal mean and mood has significant negative correlation, and R-R interval mean and EPQ-N has significant positive correlation. Conclusion: The inner factor of the same emotion, individual difference, mood and whether or not all under stress affect the autonomic nervous response patterns to a certain extent.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
Autonomic nervous response