目的 了解不同年龄段(18~50岁)无偿献血人员首次献血前后的心理状况。方法 采用电话回访测试记录方式,对106名首次献血者和106名多次献血者进行SCL-90有意义清单的相关性比较分析。结果 调查人员首次献血后的心理状态可分为3种:(1)健康状态;(2)不良状态;(3)心理障碍;不良心理表现为怕痛,担心献血后对身体健康有不良影响。结论 加强对无偿献血人员的医学知识的宣传教育,无偿献血服务和技术操作要切实做到自然、热情、周到、可信。
Objective To understand personnel's psychological state before and after donating blood for the first time of unpaid blood donation of different ages brackets (18~50 years old). Methods Adopt telephone pay a return visit recording mode of testing, Carry on the dependence comparative analysis of SCL-90 meaningful inventory to 106 blood donor and 106 numerous blood donors for the first time. Results The psychological condition after being donated blood for the first time by the investigator can be divided into 3 kinds: (1)Health state; (2)Bad state; (3)Psychological obstacle; The bad psychology is shown as and afraid of aching, have bad influence on health after worrying about and donating blood. Conclusion Strengthen the propagation and education of the medical knowledge to unpaid blood donation personnel. They unpaid blood donation service and technology will be accomplished when being operated naturally, hospitable, thoughtful and believing.
intermational chinaese application psychology journal