2007年,INMARSAT-F站将取代A站。事实上,INMARSAT-F站的功能将不仅仅限于替代A站,利用它还可以实现很多其他功能。因此如何充分开发F站的扩充功能,使F 站价值最大化,是目前远洋船队最需要考虑的问题。本文为解决在航行船舶上实现船岸图像通信,更好地遥控解决船舶现场中的实际问题,拟定了一套船岸多媒体传输系统方案。
INMARSAT- F will replace AMES (Mobile Earth Station) in 2007. In fact, INMARSAT -F is not only a replacement of AMES, but also can carry out more other functions. So it is important for ocean fleet to fully take advantage of the expand function and get the most value of F MES. This article provides a resolution on multimedia transmission of MES for accomplishing of land - ship image communication during navigation and to remote resolve the practical problem on the shot.
Journal of Qingdao Ocean Shipping Mariners College