
中国北方蒙古族、汉族、达斡尔族人群的ACE基因的多态性 被引量:1

The polymorphism in intron 16 of ace in the populations of Chinese Mongolians,Hans and Daurs
摘要 目的调查蒙古族、汉族、达斡尔族人群的ACE基因I/N的多态性,分析这些民族的遗传特点。方法应用ACE基因内含子的16多态部位侧翼的前体进行PCR扩增。等位基因在琼脂胶上电泳,溴乙啶染色,紫外灯下观察。结果蒙古族人群的DD,DI和Ⅱ基因型的频率是0.51,0.26和0.23;汉族的是0.33,0.32和0.35;达斡尔族人群的是0.26,0.60和0.13。结论ACE基因I/N的多态性在蒙古族、汉族和达斡尔族三民族的分布是不同的。 Objective : To investigate the Insertion/Deletion (I/D ) Polymorphism ot anglotensm convening enzyme (ACE) in mongonan, Hans and Daur population, and analysis their genetics characteristics. Methods : Genomic DNA was amplified by polymorphic region in intron 16 of the ACE gene. Allele were deeeeted on agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide. Results:The frequencies of DD,DI and Ⅱ genotype were 0.51 , 0.26 and 0.23 in Mongolian; and 0.33,0.32 and 0.35 in the Hans ; 0.26,0.60 and 0.13 in Daurs respectively. Conclusion: The polymorphism of ACE gene are diffierenees in three nations.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2005年第8期9-10,共2页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
基金 内蒙古自然科学基金资助项目。(No99-0055)
关键词 ACE基因 多态性 不同民族 Anglotensin- converting enzyme gene Polymorphism Different ethnic
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