目的 探讨儿童挫伤性前房积血的治疗方法及结果。方法 对78例(78只眼)儿童挫伤性前房积血患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 78例中71例经保守治疗后积血吸收,视力恢复;7例须手术治疗。其并发症主要为外伤性瞳孔散大、虹膜根部离断、继发性青光眼、视网膜震荡、晶状体半脱位及角膜血染。结论 儿童挫伤性前房积血经早期止血、降眼压、抗炎及促进积血吸收等治疗后多数患者在较短时间内前房积血吸收,视力恢复。对保守治疗无效者应根据病情及时手术以恢复视力、减少及预防并发症。
Objective To study the treatment of juvenile blunt traumatic hyphema. Methods The clinical data of seventy-eight cases with traumatic were retrospective analyzed. Results 71 cases had absorbed and renewed vision after conservative treatment and 7 cases need surgery among these 78 cases. The majority of complications are traumatic mydriasis,rupture of the iris sphincter,secondary glaucoma,commotio retinae,lens dislocation and corneal blood stainding. Conclusion By early sranched,decreased the intraocular pressur,anti-inframmation and actively absorbed, most of patients got recovery in short time. If the conservative treatment were invalidaton to children, as early as possible we can to select surgical treatment according to diseases in order to recovery vision, reduce and prenvent complication.
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology