
科学开展艾滋病预防干预工作 被引量:11

Using Science for HIV/AIDS Prevention Intervention
摘要 回顾分析了艾滋病检测和监测、感染者及其配偶通知、知识宣传与行为干预、暗娼体检与发放健康证、感染者管理等策略在艾滋病防治实践中存在的问题;讨论了匿名与实名检测、通知与不通知感染者配偶、正确理解和区分防病知识水平与健康行为改变的关系、是否可以通过为娱乐场所服务人员发放体检证以控制艾滋病流行、采用感染者集中管理的利弊等,为科学开展艾滋病预防干预工作、提高实际防治效果提出了建议。 This paper reviews potential issues faced when strategies such as HIV testing and surveillance, notification of HIV infected individuals and their sexual partners, knowledge level change and behavior intervention, health examine and certificates for sex workers, social management of HIV infected individuals being used in practices. We compares anonymous versus real name testing strategies, whether or not notifying spouse of HIV infected individuals, understanding the difference between knowledge change and behavioral change, whether or not control HIV by issuing health certificate for sex workers and putting all HIV infected individuals in one place. Sciences should be used in each of these prevention measures in order to be more effectively in reducing the AIDS epidemic.
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 2005年第8期52-55,共4页 Science & Technology Review
关键词 艾滋病 预防干预 科学措施 HIV/AIDS, prevention intervention, scientific measure
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