目的 探讨MRI对半月板桶柄状撕裂的诊断与关节镜下分类的比较研究.方法 分析63例患者65个经关节镜检查证实为半月板桶柄状撕裂的术前MRI的特征性表现,并将5种MRI征象(双后交叉韧带征、半月板翻转征、空领结征、碎块内移征和外周残半月板征)与关节镜下Dandy分型进行比较.结果 MRI桶柄状撕裂诊断符合率89.2%.碎块内移征和空领结征阳性率最高,分别为84.6%和81.5%;双后交叉韧带征(双PCL征)、半月板翻转征(双前角征)、外周残半月板征不如上二者普遍(阳性率分别为43%、21.5%、29.3%).未发现外侧半月板双PCL征;内侧半月板交锁Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型及外侧半月板半长全宽型、全长半宽型与MRI碎块内移征和空领结征有相关性;2例为半月板撕裂Ⅲ级信号,5例为假阴性.结论 5种MRI征象中最少2种(碎块内移征和空领结征阳性率最高)以上出现应高度怀疑为桶柄状撕裂.
Objective To evaluate the arthroscopic findings of meniscal bucket handle tears and to correlate them with the proposed MR imaging signs of meniscal bucket handle tears suggested in the literature. Methods Sixty-three patients who had a diagnosis of bucket handle tear in arthroscopy were included in our study.Meniscal tears were evaluated in arthroscopy according to Dandy's classification.The MRIs were retrospectively analyzed regarding the following findings:absence of bow tie sign,presence of double posterior cruciate ligament(PCL), fragment within the intercondylar region,flipped meniscus sign, abnormal circumferential meniscus sign. Sensitivity were evaluated for the presence of each individual sign. Results Locked types Ⅰand Ⅱfragment of medial meniscus and half-length,whole-width and whole length-half-width fragement of lateral meniscus in arthroscopy were correlated with fragement within the intercondylar notch and absent bow tie signs in MRI.We didn't find the double PCL sign in any of the patients with a lateral meniscal bucket handle tear.The most common signs in MR imagings of meniscal bucket handle tears were the fragement in the notch sign and the absent bow tie sign.They were observed with frequency of 84.6% and 81.5% respectively.The presence of double posterior cruciate ligament, flipped meniscus sign, abnormal circumferential meniscus sign were less common(43%,21.5% and 29.2%,respectively). Conclusions The presence of at least two of the five MRI signs should be regarded as highly suggestive for bucket handle tears of menisci.
Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine