Changes of fibrinolytic activity during exercise in 18 patients with coronary heart disease(CHD group) documented by coronary angiography and 11 healthy subjects(control group) were studied. All of the subjects underwent a symptom-limited multistage submaximal treadmill exercise test according to 'Bruce programme'.In tread-mill exercise test,12 of the 18 patients with CHD were positive,6 of the 18 patients and 11 healthy subjects were negative. During exercise,6 of the 12 patients with test positive had attacks of angina pectoris. The results were as follows:①Plasma fibrinogen(Fg) and PAI activity levels before and after exercise in the test positive subgroup or in exercise induced chest pain subgroup were remarkably higher than in the test negative subgroup, control group, or no chest pain subgroup(p<0.01 or p<0.05).The levels of plasma PAI activity in the patients were about twice as high as in controls.②Plasma PAI activity before and after exercise, and plasma Fg levels after exercise in CHD patients with test negative were obviously higher than in controls(p<0.01 or p<0.05).The study suggests that the fibrinolytic system in CHD patients is seriously defective, i. e.with very low fibrinolytic activity levels and remarkably increased plasma PAI activity which could easily induce acute myocardial ischemia and/or angina pectoris by exercise, and that increased plasma PAI activity in CHD patients may be a sensitive indicator of acute myocardial ischemia. Testing of fibrinolytic activity during treadmill exercise test might have an inferable value in the diagnosis of CHD.
Chinese Circulation Journal
Coronary heart disease
Acute myocardial ischemiai
Treadmill exercise test
Fibrinolytic activity