he curative effect of TIL on alimentary tumor was studied. TIL were isolated from tissue of alimentarytumor, and cultuered in vitro with rIL--2 for expansion. TIL had a elevated proportion of CD subgroupand enhanced cytotoxicity after culture. TIL were infused at the total amount of 1. 5 X 109--3 X 109. In patients with good response to TIL therapy, subgroup Tcells of PBL ascended obviously and NK, LAK activities were remarkbly increased. 5 patients underwentradical operation had no recurrence for 11 -- 19 monthsof followed up; 2 of 4 cases replased after palliativeoperation; 9 cases underwent non resection had a totalremission rate of 66. 7%. TIL has been comfirmed tohas certain value of use.
Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery