bjective: The relationship between the alkalineribonuclease (RNase ) activity and pregnancy - inducedhypertension was studied. Design:The alkaline RNaseactivity and the contents of total protein,albumin anduric acid in amniotic fluid and in the maternal serum ofnormal pregnancy and PIH were observed. ReSultS:Alkaline RNase activity,the contents of total proteinand albumin decreased with the progressing of pregnancy. Uric acid content increased with the progressing of pregnancy,especially after 36 weeks pregnancy.The alkaline RNase activity and uric acid content inmaternal serum of PIH increased significantly. Conclusion:The vigorous stage of synthesizing protein of fetus may be before 36 weeks, the rising of alkalineRNase activity indicates that the glomerular filtratingfunction were damaged and it may be helpful to discover the damage of glomerular filtrating function earlier.
Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics