(Dept. of Burns, International Peace Hospital Named After Dr. Norman Bethune)From 1973 to 1991, 47 cases of severe electricburn were treated in the hospital. Perioperationalmanagement was very important which included:A. Before operation: 1. Electrocardiographic ex-amination. Those who had abnormal electrocar-diogram had to be treated to avoid accident during op-eration. 2. Resuscitation infusion should be performedearly and the infusion volume shouId be more than thatfor thermal injury of the same area. 13 patients withshock had fluid infusions. The total amount of fluid in-fused in the first 24 hours was caIculated according tothe formula: Burn area (%) x body weight (kg) x 5 to7 ml- 3. Decompression fasciotomy should be per-formed as early as possible. On one hand, pressure couId be reduced, and on the other hand, obServation of the vitality of deep layer muscular tissue could be made to preserve the length of the extremities to the greatest extent.B. During and after operation: 1. Prevention of secondary hemorrhage and suggestion of preventivemeasures. 2. Before amputation, careful considera-tion and precaution should be taken. Those who had whole limb necrosis and unrepairable damage of the tissues and severe infections which were life-threat-ening should be subjected to amputation as early as possible. Those who did not have life-threatening or unrepairable damage should not be subjected to am-putation. Measures should be taken to preserve the limb and to promote recovery of the function. if the stump was short,transplantation of limb could be per-formed
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers