Exudation of tissue fluid and edema are often ap-parently seen after burn injury. Tissue fluid pressure isotten at a high leveI. Tissue fluid pressure of 14 pa-tients with severe burn and 10 patients with extremelysevere burn was measured in our hospital, using aType - ZHY tissue fluid pressometer and the resultswere compared with that of the normal control. Withinthe exudation period, 48 hours after burn, the subcu-taneous tissue fluid pressure at the burned area of thesevereIy and extremely severely burned patients wererespectiveIy 19. 59 ±10. 48 and 8. 75±2. 27 cmH2O,and at the non - injuried area were respectively 5. 27±2. 37 and 2. 79±1.04 cmH2O, and were higher thanthat of the normal control (0. 07 1±1. 16 cmH2O). Thedifference between the normal control and injured patients, between injured area and non-injured area ofthe burn patients and between the severely burnedand extemely severety burned patients had very greatstatistical significance (P<0.01). At the end of therecovery period, 7 days after burn, tissue fluid pres-sure at the injured area lowered obviously but re-mained higher than normal. This implied that 7 daysafter burn, there was still retention of fluid in the in-terstitial space. 3 patients had circular eschar in legswere subjected to incision to reduce the pressure un-der the eschar. The results were satisfactory. Thetissue fluid pressure under the eschar was kept below35 cmH2O.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers