于1994年12月对当地457例麻风患者的眼病进行了调查,其中男性317例,女性140例,平均年龄51.9岁,平均病期32.9年。 视力分级用WHO标准;眼底及眼压检查用1/2型裂隙灯。眼底镜和眼压计均为苏州医疗器械厂的产品。 在457例中,共检出盲目44例(9.62%),其中双眼盲13人(2.84%)。
The causes of blindness and low vision have been analysed among 457 cases and cures of leprosy in Taixing City, Jiangsu Province. The results showed that there were 13 bilaterral (2. 84%) and 31 unilateral (6. 78%) blingness, 33 bilateral (7. 22%) and 38 unilateral (8. 32%)low vision, and they were all set off by corneal diseases, including keratitis, inflammation of the corneal stroma and corneal staphyloma, iritis, cataracta and glaucoma, and their incidence rate increased with the disease duration and age, especially in those with LL type.