The perforating branch of peroneal artery
perforates the interosseous membrane at the point5.6±0.9 cm above
the lateral malleolus and divides into ascending and descending
branches. Thedescending branch nourishes the anterior periostetim of
both tibial and fibular distal parts andsends 2~3 branches to the
lateral distal parts of tibia,Based on the perforating branch of the
per-oneal artery,a periosteal flap(6.5 cm×5.5cm)with a bone flap of
distal tibia(4.5 cm×l.8cm×1. 5 cm)could be transposed in repairiiig
tibial Lintinion and defects.The vascuiar pedicle couldbe enlongated
to a maximum reaching distance of l8 cm above the lateral malleolus
by cutting theinterosseous membrane and dissecting the distal part of
perenneal,Satisfactory rcsults wereachieved in clinical application
of 5 patients.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy