Taiwan is an economic structure with scarce resources and high openness. Its economic growht depends on the expansion of foreign trade,especially the expansion of exports. During 1960's- 1970's,fast economic growth depended mainly on the processing exports economy which maintained two digit growth per year. However.since mid-1980's,weak-founda-tioned light processing export industries have been transfering overseas. which in turn results in the decrease of export growth from two digit to only one digit and gradual economic recession. Economic growth is at a downslope. On one hand, processing economy is increasingly falling to predicamention the other hand.economy appers to be 'prosperous' .which is the phenomenon of so-called 'bubble economy' emerging in mid-and late 1980's and in early 1990's. It is caused mainly by the severe imbalance of economic structure which is acompanied by the weakening of the competitiveness of export processing industries. This results in the increasing inflation of 'weak fat economy'. At present, the 'Bubble economy 'has been destoyed and has disappeared. It is shown in the fast decrease of stock prices and inflexibility of capital market.in the paralysis of property exchange,in the management crisis in banking system and in the reappear ing of 'comprehensive economic recession'.
Asia-Pacific Economic Review