Niangziguan Spring is the biggest karst spring in North China. Its mean flow is about 12.6m3/sec. The western part of the catchment basin is an area with buried karst covered by sandy shale and pyrite-bearing coal bed. Whereas the eastern part is a bare karst area with limestone, dolomite and gypsum ( Fig. 1 ) .
Groundwater within the catchment basin replenished by the infiltration of precipitation and surface water flows eastward from the north, west and south of the spring watershed, appearing at openings on the surface near Niangziguan in the form of spring, which is the famous Niangziguan Spring consisting of ten major points of outflows ( Fig. 2 ) .
Many units have done large amounts of research work on these springs within the area, and many reports have been published. The most important one of them is the 'Report on Karst Water Resource Evaluation and Development of Niangziguan Spring, Shanxi Province' , in which it is stated that the various spring groups of Niangziguan originate from the same source.
This viewpoint was raised on the basis that water temperature and total content of dissolved solids of all the spring groups are basically the same. However, the author, after careful study, considers that such is not the case, because actually there exists considerable difference in the temperature (maximum 19.5℃ and minimum 16.0℃ ) and the total content of dissolved solids ( maximum 0.72 g/1 and minimum 0.50 g/1 ). Moreover, there are also differences in content of sulfate and sulfur isotope (δ34S ), etc., of the spring water. Two spring groups are distinguished by the author according to temperature, total content of dissolved solids and cluster analysis of the spring water samples,This is also based on the fact that the sulfate content is as high as 213 mg/1 for the second spring group but only 99 mg/1 for the first one, and δ34S is 20. 1‰for the former but only 10.9%. for the latter.
According to the data and analysis above, the author comes to a conclusion t
Carsologica Sinica