Devastation of percolation condition in oil-bearing zones resulting fromscaling in bottom hole and near-well bore formation as well as fine migration,depositionand swelling witbin reservoir is themajor cause ofasignificant decline in fluid productionand productivity of working layers of Baikouquan oilfield. Since 1993,field experiments ofmultiple perforation havebeen made in Baikouquan oilfield,of which obvious effect isachieved in horizons with high oil-saturation and low shot density, enhancing working de-gree of layers, increasing oilwell production and advancing stable production of reservoir.Results from experiment showed that multiple perforation showed be made in productionvvell and injection well simutaneously in order to fully develop a beneficial results of it.Production weil selection of vvater cut less than 8 percent without distinct inter-zone inter-ference is necessary,followed by increasing drawdovvn to reduce interference betweenzones in time after multiple perforating . For nonuniform entry injection well,adjust in-jection profile and equilibrium vericle water intake should be made before multiple perfo-ration.
Xinjiang Petroleum Geology