Recently, there are accumulating evidences for the existence of an local tissue renin-angio-tensin system (RAS) in the heart which maybe is associated with the hypertrophic response. In this study, cell culture technique in vitro was used-to investigate the hypertrophic and pro-liferiative effect of angiotensin I on the cultured neonatal rat myocytes and nonmyocytes. The results showed that in myocytes culture, angiotensin I induced increases in cell diameter, protein content and 3H-Leucine incorporation in concentration-dependent manner without changing the rate of DNA synthesis and cell numbers. In contract, angiotensin I caused incerases of DNA synthesis and cell numbers in nonmyocytes cultures. These results indicate that angiotensin 11 can induce the hypertrophy for cardiac myocytes and the proliferation for cardiac nonmyocytes (mostly fibroblasts).
Chinese Journal of Cell Biology