In order to investigate the distribution and aging change of NPY-containing nerve fibers in the coronary artery systpm of heart, 2~4, 10~12 and 18~20 month-old SD rats (n=10, n=10, n=8, respectively) were used by means of immunohistochemical method (avidin -biotin -peroxidase complex technique, ABC). The results are as follows: In right a nd left coronary artery and their branches there were abundant NPY-containing nerve fibers. The fiber was with many varicosities. The fibers may be in single or in bundle, plexus and network. In trunks and branches of coronary artery, the density of NPY fibers was the highest, and the fibers were mainly distributed in circle, surrounded the vessels. In mid-sized branches, the fibers were in network. In small branches, the number of fibers was attenuated and the fibers went along the longitudinal axis of the vessels. It was important that some NPY fibers passed through the wall of coronary vessels and their endings tended to extend into the lumen. The densities of NPY fibers of right and left coronary artery systems showed no differencer. In addition, some NPY positive nervous ganglia have been observed in a few of specimens. They were placed in the posterior wall of atria and made from NPY-containing cell bodies with aging, especially in old rats, the NPY fibers innervated the blood vessels tended to attenuate. The density went down. The numbers of nerve bundle, plexus and network were reduced. The fiber itself got thinner and the stain got paler. The number of varicosities was decreased. These changes might mean that the NPY nerve innervation of the coronary vessels were weakened in old animal.
Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy
heart, coronary artery, neuropeptide Y, immunohistochemistry, aging change, rat