The basic feature of Luxi extensional structure is the development of lifted-dipping blocks which are made up of swell and sag. The semi-gvaben basin in sag area has a strike changingfrom NW to EW,deep in north and shallow in south depth and stratigraphic relationships offaulting in north and overlapping in south. Its sedimenfary rocks Consist of mesozoic erathem andtertiary System. The basin basement Comprise precambrian crystalline rocks and palaeogoicerathem. From Jurassic to Palaogene the extensional structure lasted about 150 Ma in activestate . In so long time for maintaining the consistency of movement natures of lifted-dippingblocks besides the Constant regional extensional movement it is also necessary that the isostacy oflifted-dipping blocks by selves was wot destroyed.The density of lifted-dipping blocks didn’tevidenty change during the lifted-dipping process. Whereas the key to maintain the isostacy liesin that the scal, form and space distribution of the blocks were not significantly changed. Suchconditions can be reached if the lifted-dipping blocks developed eroded end and sedimentarywedge and in correspondence in their subground portion there developed accretionary wedge andcut-off end. The structures of the same type develop in Henan and Anhui segment. They withLuxi extensional structure in commen constitute a vast extensional structure system by which theexistence of the middle-upper crust plate in Luxi-Huaihe plain is confirmed,This plate hasobvious phenomenon of front subduction and a transgressional belt developed. The“DabieshanBlock'may be its“extruded body”。
Geology of Shandong