我院1984~1993年间外科治疗胃溃疡(GU)出血90例。对比同期外科治疗的十二指肠溃疡(DU)出血98例,GU 组病例表现有以下特点:平均年龄大,溃疡病程长,无症状患者多,合并症多,反复出血机会多,大出血不易自止,溃疡病灶大,毕氏Ⅰ式胃大部切除术式多,围手术期并发症发生率高。作者建议对 GU 出血年龄偏大者应早期手术,以减少围手术期并发症、降低病死率。
For the bleeding complication,90 patients with gas- tric ulcer (GU)and 98 duodenal ulcer(DU)were treated surgically during the last'decade.Compared with the pa- tients in DU group,patients in GU were older in age, with longer duration of the illness,more rebleeding and larger ulcerative foeuses in size.Also in GU group,more patients underwent Billroth I operation,more had coex- isting diseases and more suffered from the perioperative complications.The authors suggest that aged patients with GU bleeding should be operated on without delay.