本文介绍了光降解地膜残片进入土壤耕层后,对土壤理化性状及农作物生长状况的影响;另对光降解地膜的社会效益和经济效益进行了分析。研究表明,当光降解地膜残片累积于土壤20-50a时,只要残片小于4X4cm ̄2,对土壤团聚体、比重、容重、毛管水、饱和水、入渗水、水分蒸发及土壤化学性质均不构成污染,对作物无毒害。残片大于4X4cm ̄2(含该值)时,土壤部分物理性状受到较显著影响。试验结果还指出,光降解膜与普通地膜的增产效果一样,还能降低环境污染,使其直接或间接的经济损失降低至普通地膜的20%。
This paper gives the research results on,the soil physics. soilchemistry,plant growth and the social economic efficient when the residues ofphoto degradable film got into the soil. When the debrics of film were notbigger the 4*4 cm2 size area,even it accumulated 50-100 years, it’S residuewould be only 0.1%of total soil weight.Soil aggregates, soil spicific and bulkweight, capillary and leaching water movement was not significantly affect-ed compared with the normal film,But when the residue sizes were biggerthan 5*5 cm2,the soil pollution become serious.
Agro-Environmental Protection