Natural regional division belongs to the earth surface geographical systems. Its dividing parameters must all-sidely reflect the festures of gradual change, comprehensiveness and integrity. Based on the principles of comprehensiveness, origination and field investigation data, the author analyses the spatial change of natural vegetation, soils and agroland -scape in an all-round way. Finally, the north dividing line of tropical zone in Guangxi has been planned as follows: the east end begins at the north boundary line of the Xunjiang river basin on the north of Wuzhou city, then along the southeast part of Dayaoshan mountain, the south part of Ljanhuashan mountain and Damingshan mountain 'c westside, after that tends west and goes through the mountain regions outside the north boundary of the Wuming basin, links with the watershed between Youjiang river and Hongshuine river; when extending to Tianlin county it also links up with the Yungui plateau. This line coincides with the mean temperature 12℃ in January, annual mean temperature 21 ℃ and ≥10℃ accumulative temperature 6500-7000℃ 。 Tropical seasonal rainforests, typical tropic crops and tateritic earth distribute within the zone (Tropic).
Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)
tropical zone, the north boundary line of tropical zone, tropical seasonal rainforest, Guangxi