Chrysops deqenensis cp. nov. (fig. 1) 9-10mm. Frons grayish yellow, widened below;callus black, strongly convex, nearly reaching eyes; facial calli black outside, brown inside. Bare spots black, small, on upper parafacial and genal. Antennae black. Palpi dark brown.Thorax black, with four yellowish stripes. Legs dark brown. Crossband of wings reaches not to hind margin of wing. Abdomen grayish yellow, tergite I to 6 with two median black spots.Holotype , Zhongdian Co. (99.5°E, 28°N) Yunnan Province, 3400m, July 21,1991, collected by Yang Jian-she. Paratypes 3 , same as holotype. Types deposited in the Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, but one paratype in Health and Anti ̄Epidemic Station of Zhaotong, Yunnan Province.This new species related to ChrysopJ paradesignata Wang, 1977, but distinguished from the latter by the cross--band of wings reaching not to the hind margin of Wing.
Acta Entomologica Sinica