1986以来,先后调查了湖南沅江、江西宜春、九江、永丰及奉新、安徽芜湖及萱城、浙江临海和广西桂林等市(县)的苎麻根腐线虫病,鉴定了苎麻根样32份及其土样32份。除江西奉新县外,在其它各市(县)都查到同一短体线虫,带虫根样和土样分别占供检根样和土样的63%和66%。根据这种线虫的测量值和其雌虫唇环2个、后阴子宫囊较长(22—52μm)并可分化以及雌虫尾端常平(斜)截或有时出现一凹痕等形态特征,鉴定为咖啡短体线虫Pratylenchus coffeae(Zimmermann,1898)& Filipjev Sc-huurmans Stekhoven,1941。它与过去国内报道该病的优势病原即穿割短体线虫Pratylencbus pene-trans(Cobb,1917)Filipjev & Schuurmans Stekhoven,1941不同。
Field investigations on ramie root rot disease caused by lesionnematodes in China from 1986 to 1987 indicated that 63% of the 32 rootsamples and 64% of the 33 soil samples around roots of ramie[Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich] collected from some localities ofHunan,Jiangxi,Anhui,Zhejiang,and Guangxi were infested with thecausal organism.All the lesion nematodes isolated from the samplesmentioned above were identified as Pratylenchus coffeae (Zimmermann,1898) Filipjev & Schuurmans,1941.They are not only similar inmeasurements but also identical in morphological characteristics,especially in lip with 2 annules,posterior uterine sac relatively longand often differentiated,female tail usually truncate and with asmooth terminus,lateral field with 4 incisures and male common.Thisresult is different from that of the previous reports~[2-5] in whichPratylenchus penetrens (Cobb,1917) Filipjev & Schuurmans Stekhoven,1941 was considered as a major species of causal organism.
Acta Phytopathologica Sinica