The ability of producing ascitic monoclonal antibodies of the first generation hybridmice,BALB / c × LACA and BALB / c × C_(57),were compared with that of BALB / c parents.Ascitic fluids produced in the hybrid F_1 and BALB / c mice were evaluated in terms of volume,antibody titers and protein levels.The results indicated that BALB / c × LACA F_1 producedsignificantly more ascitic fluid of equally high antibody titers and protein levels compared to theBALB / c parent, approximately 1.4 times more for the females and 2-3 times more for the males.BALB/c×LACA F_1 grow faster and cost less than the BALB/c.It is suggested that BALB/c×LACA F_1 mice may be used in production of ascitic monoclonal antibodies instead of BALB/c mice.
Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences