
人体质量指数不同的中国成年人身体机能对比分析 被引量:12

A contrastive analysis of physical function of Chinese adults with different body mass index
摘要 目的:根据中国肥胖问题工作组提出的中国人的超重和肥胖的界限值,分析不同人体质量指数水平的中国成年人和老年人(统称为成年人)的身体机能的差异,以探讨人体质量指数水平对身体机能的影响。方法:选择2000年国民体质监测的中国20~69岁的成年人,年龄组划分与2000年国民体质监测相同,总体样本量男89341人、女88179人。选用安静脉搏、血压(收缩压、舒张压)、肺活量和台阶试验指数为观察指标,各年龄段人数及人体质量指数分组的人数构成和测量方法及其质量控制见《2000年国民体质监测报告》。本实验血压一次性检测只作为血压属于低血压、正常血压、高血压的分布分析。评估标准:以中国肥胖问题工作组建议的中国成人判断超重和肥胖程度的人体质量指数为界限,<18.5为人体质量指数轻组,18.5~24.0为正常组,24.0~28.0为超重组,≥28.0为肥胖组。结果:总体样本量男89341人,女88179人进入结果分析。①安静脉搏:人体质量指数各组基本表现为正常组最慢,超重组次之,轻组和肥胖组的安静脉搏较快。男女各年龄段不同体质量指数组安静脉搏的差异主要表现在正常组优于其他组;男性超重组60岁前也优于肥胖组。②血压:同年龄段肥胖组血压值明显大于正常组,肥胖组高血压的比例也远远大于正常组。男性人体质量指数各组的正常血压者比例均为轻组>正常组>超重组>肥胖组,女性在45岁前为正常组>轻组>超重组>肥胖组,50岁年龄段起为轻组>正常组>超重组>肥胖组。男女各人体质量指数组高血压者的比例均为肥胖组>超重组>正常组>轻组。③台阶试验指数:男性各年龄段均值均基本为正常组>轻组>超重组>肥胖组,而女性则以轻组>正常组>超重组>肥胖组顺序排列,男女各年龄段正常组大于超重组和肥胖组,除男40岁后,女25岁、45岁及55岁年龄段外其余年龄段轻组大于� AIM: According to the limitation of overweight and obesity for Chinese suggested by Chinese Obesity Task Force, the differences of physical function among Chinese adults and elderly people (a general designation of adults) with different body mass index were analyzed, so as to investigate the influence of body mass index on physical function. METHODS: Chinese adults aged 20 to 69 years (89 341 males and 88 179 females) under national physical quality monitoring in 2000 were selected, the division of age groups were the same as that in the national physical quality monitoring in 2000. The resting pulse, blood pressure (systolic pressure and diastolic pressure), vital capacity and step trial index were taken as the observational indexes. The number of cases in each age group, number of cases constitution of body mass index grouping, and it., measuring methods and quality control could been seen in the national physical quality monitoring reports (2000). The once detection of blood pressure in the study was only used to analyze the distribution of hypotension, normal blood pressure and hypertension. Evaluation standard: taking the body mass index for the judgement of overweight and obesity in Chinese adults suggested by the Chinese Obesity Task Force as the limitation, 〈 18.5 as small body mass index group, 18.5 to 24.0 as normal group, 24.0 to 28.0 as overweight group, ≥ 28.0 as obesity group. RESULTS: All the 89 341 males and 88179 females were involved in the analysis of results. ① Resting pulse: It was the slowest in the normal group, followed by the overweight group, and faster in the small body mass index group and obesity group. The difference of resting pulse among different body mass index groups at each age segment in males and females were mainly manifested with that it was better in the normal group than in other groups, it was also better in the overweight group than in the obesity group before 60 years old. ② Blood pressure: The value of blood pressure was obviously
作者 王梅
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第28期190-193,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 数据来源为2000年国民体质监测 课题为国家体育总局群体司群体研究课题。
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