[目的]探讨咨询门诊条件下治疗单纯性肥胖儿童的效果.[方法]对肥胖咨询门诊随诊一个月以上的101名单纯性肥胖儿童在进行膳食结构和生活习惯调查的基础上,进行以家长参与、纠正不良生活方式和不良饮食习惯、较低热量的均衡膳食、适当的有氧运动等治疗措施.[结果]治疗1、2、3月体重平均减轻分别为1.6kg、2.7kg及3.1kg;身高平均增长分别为0.6 cm、1.2 cm及1.6 cm体质指数(body mass index,BMI)分别平均降低1.0、1.8及2.2.有23例(22.8%)肥胖度降低1~2度,其中2例治愈、1例由中度肥胖上升到重度肥胖,其余77例(76.2%)肥胖度未变.合并血压升高者治疗1个月后16例(80.0%)恢复正常,2个月后18例(90.0%)恢复正常,3个月后全部恢复正常.[结论]咨询门诊的效果是肯定的,但咨询门诊随诊率低,说明这种方式仍有不足,需要改进措施,提高儿童对减肥的兴趣,增强治疗信心以取得更好的疗效.
【Objective】 To assess the effects of treatment for obese children in consulting outpatient clinic. 【Methods】 One hundred and one obese children were selected from the obesity outpatient clinic with one month or longer follow-up. Consultation was given regularly to modify unhealthy lifestyle and dietary behaviour with parents involved. 【Results】 The weight was decreased 1.6 kg, 2.7 kg and 3.1 kg in the obese children with one month, two months and three months follow-up consultation respectively. The height was increased normally during the consultation treatment. Body mass index (BMI) was also decreased 1.0, 1.8 and 2.2 among the obese children with 1,2 and 3 months follow-up consultation respectively. Twenty-three out of all the obese children decreased their obese degree and one obese child recovered to normal weight. The others kept their obese degree during the treatment. 80% of the obese children with high blood pressure decreased the blood pressure with one month consultation treatment. 【Conclusions】 The positive effects were showed in the consulting outpatient clinic for obese children. The obese children lost weight and decreased blood pressure as well with consultation. The growth was not affected by the treatment because the lineal growth was not broken. The consultation should be improved in the outpatient because the compliance was low.
Chinese Journal of Child Health Care